+HeLLo eVeRYBoDy!!!+

Sunday, November 18, 2007


Before we wrap up, we want to share our experiences while completing this assignment. Along our research, we found that we have gained plenty of knowledge about the world of literature. Not only that, in order to find information about the poems, we have to surf the related webs and this indirectly has taught us how to deal with the online research.

Furthermore, we chose to do this research in blog form that is www.blogger.com. Not all the members of group are expert in managing this kind of task that is involving the online process. So, by doing this assignment, they will learn the benefit and the advantages that they will get with this Internet access. Not only we can get the information that we needed faster but it is economically as well. We don’t have to buy books that are related instead we can just sit at our room and find the information that we want. What could be any easier than that??! Besides the uses of the Internet, all the members of the group give well cooperation in order to finish this assignment.

To conclude, all of us have a great time in completing this task that we have learned so much about the poems and online research. We all want to thank Mr. Nackeeran for giving us the opportunity to show our ability to do a webpage although to be exact we didn’t do a website instead chosen the blog form.

~Thank you. =)

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